任务一直启动中,启动日志一直显示“Deployment took more than 60 seconds, Please check if the requested resources are available in the YARN cluster"


  1. 到首页,查看任务提交的队列资源使用情况 任务一直启动中,日志显示“Deployment took more than 60 seconds” - 图1
    • 资源不足,找运维看是否需要申请资源加机器 。
    • 资源充足,到 yarn 上查看任务启动日志: 任务一直启动中,日志显示“Deployment took more than 60 seconds” - 图2 查看 YarnApplicationState 如果显示 Acctpted: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM. 那就是没有获取到资源,此时建议重新启动下任务。