更新时间: 2022-05-07 15:25:13
阅读 44
度量名 | 说明 |
jvm_buffer_pool_used_bytes | Used bytes of a given JVM buffer pool. |
jvm_buffer_pool_capacity_bytes | Bytes capacity of a given JVM buffer pool. |
jvm_buffer_pool_used_buffers | Used buffers of a given JVM buffer pool. |
jvm_gc_collection_seconds | Time spent in a given JVM garbage collector in seconds. |
jvm_classes_loaded | The number of classes that are currently loaded in the JVM |
jvm_classes_loaded_total | The total number of classes that have been loaded since the JVM has started execution |
jvm_classes_unloaded_total | The total number of classes that have been unloaded since the JVM has started execution |
jmx_config_reload_failure_total | Number of times configuration have failed to be reloaded. |
jvm_memory_bytes_used | Used bytes of a given JVM memory area. |
jvm_memory_bytes_committed | Committed (bytes) of a given JVM memory area. |
jvm_memory_bytes_max | Max (bytes) of a given JVM memory area. |
jvm_memory_bytes_init | Initial bytes of a given JVM memory area. |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used | Used bytes of a given JVM memory pool. |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_committed | Committed bytes of a given JVM memory pool. |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max | Max bytes of a given JVM memory pool. |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init | Initial bytes of a given JVM memory pool. |
jvm_threads_current | Current thread count of a JVM |
jvm_threads_daemon | Daemon thread count of a JVM |
jvm_threads_peak | Peak thread count of a JVM |
jvm_threads_started_total | Started thread count of a JVM |
jvm_threads_deadlocked | Cycles of JVM-threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers |
jvm_threads_deadlocked_monitor | Cycles of JVM-threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors |
jvm_info | JVM version info |
jmx_config_reload_success_total | Number of times configuration have successfully been reloaded. |
jmx_scrape_duration_seconds | Time this JMX scrape took, in seconds. |
jmx_scrape_error | Non-zero if this scrape failed. |
jmx_exporter_build_info | A metric with a constant ‘1’ value labeled with the version of the JMX exporter. |
度量名 | 说明 |
process_cpu_seconds_total | Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. |
process_start_time_seconds | Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds. |
process_open_fds | Number of open file descriptors. |
process_max_fds | Maximum number of open file descriptors. |
process_virtual_memory_bytes | Virtual memory size in bytes. |
process_resident_memory_bytes | Resident memory size in bytes. |
度量名称 | 度量说明 |
os_free_physical_memory_bytes | FreePhysicalMemorySize (java.lang |
os_committed_virtual_memory_bytes | CommittedVirtualMemorySize (java.lang |
os_total_swap_space_bytes | TotalSwapSpaceSize (java.lang |
os_max_file_descriptor_count | MaxFileDescriptorCount (java.lang |
os_system_load_average | SystemLoadAverage (java.lang |
os_total_physical_memory_bytes | TotalPhysicalMemorySize (java.lang |
os_system_cpu_load | SystemCpuLoad (java.lang |
os_free_swap_space_bytes | FreeSwapSpaceSize (java.lang |
os_available_processors | AvailableProcessors (java.lang |
os_process_cpu_load | ProcessCpuLoad (java.lang |
os_open_file_descriptor_count | OpenFileDescriptorCount (java.lang |
度量名 | 何时可见 | 描述 |
ActiveControllerCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name |
BytesInPerSec | After you create a topic. | Cluster Name, Broker ID, Topic |
BytesOutPerSec | After you create a topic. | Cluster Name, Broker ID, Topic |
CpuIdle | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
CpuSystem | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
CpuUser | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
GlobalPartitionCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name |
GlobalTopicCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name |
EstimatedMaxTimeLag | After consumer group consumes from a topic. | Consumer Group, Topic |
KafkaAppLogsDiskUsed | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
KafkaDataLogsDiskUsed | (Cluster Name, Broker ID dimension) After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
KafkaDataLogsDiskUsed | (Cluster Name dimension) After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name |
LeaderCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
MaxOffsetLag | After consumer group consumes from a topic. | Consumer Group, Topic |
MemoryBuffered | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
MemoryCached | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
MemoryFree | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
MemoryUsed | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
MessagesInPerSec | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
NetworkRxDropped | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
NetworkRxErrors | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
NetworkRxPackets | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
NetworkTxDropped | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
NetworkTxErrors | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
NetworkTxPackets | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
OfflinePartitionsCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name |
PartitionCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
ProduceLocalTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
ProduceTotalTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
RequestBytesMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
RequestTime | After request throttling is applied. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
RootDiskUsed | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
SumOffsetLag | After consumer group consumes from a topic. | Consumer Group, Topic |
SwapFree | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
SwapUsed | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
UnderMinIsrPartitionCount | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
UnderReplicatedPartitions | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
ZooKeeperRequestLatencyMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
ZooKeeperSessionState | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | Cluster Name, Broker ID |
Broker 度量
度量名 | 何时可见 | 描述 |
FetchConsumerLocalTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds that the consumer request is processed at the leader. |
FetchConsumerRequestQueueTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds that the consumer request waits in the request queue. |
FetchConsumerResponseQueueTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds that the consumer request waits in the response queue. |
FetchConsumerResponseSendTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds for the consumer to send a response. |
FetchConsumerTotalTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean total time in milliseconds that consumers spend on fetching data from the broker. |
FetchFollowerLocalTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds that the follower request is processed at the leader. |
FetchFollowerRequestQueueTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds that the follower request waits in the request queue. |
FetchFollowerResponseQueueTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds that the follower request waits in the response queue. |
FetchFollowerResponseSendTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean time in milliseconds for the follower to send a response. |
FetchFollowerTotalTimeMsMean | After there’s a producer/consumer. | The mean total time in milliseconds that followers spend on fetching data from the broker. |
FetchMessageConversionsPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of fetch message conversions per second for the broker. |
FetchThrottleByteRate | After band throttling is applied. | The number of throttled bytes per second. |
FetchThrottleQueueSize | After band throttling is applied. | The number of messages in the throttle queue. |
FetchThrottleTime | After band throttling is applied. | The average fetch throttle time in milliseconds. |
NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The average percentage of the time the network processors are idle. |
ProduceMessageConversionsPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of produce message conversions per second for the broker. |
ProduceMessageConversionsTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The mean time in milliseconds spent on message format conversions. |
ProduceRequestQueueTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The mean time in milliseconds that request messages spend in the queue. |
ProduceResponseQueueTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The mean time in milliseconds that response messages spend in the queue. |
ProduceResponseSendTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The mean time in milliseconds spent on sending response messages. |
ProduceThrottleByteRate | After band throttling is applied. | The number of throttled bytes per second. |
ProduceThrottleQueueSize | After band throttling is applied. | The number of messages in the throttle queue. |
ProduceThrottleTime | After band throttling is applied. | The average produce throttle time in milliseconds. |
ProduceTotalTimeMsMean | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The mean produce time in milliseconds. |
ReplicationBytesInPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of bytes per second received from other brokers. |
ReplicationBytesOutPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of bytes per second sent to other brokers. |
RequestExemptFromThrottleTime | After request throttling is applied. | The average time in milliseconds spent in broker network and I/O threads to process requests that are exempt from throttling. |
RequestHandlerAvgIdlePercent | After the cluster gets to the ACTIVE state. | The average percentage of the time the request handler threads are idle. |
RequestThrottleQueueSize | After request throttling is applied. | The number of messages in the throttle queue. |
RequestThrottleTime | After request throttling is applied. | The average request throttle time in milliseconds. |
Per_Topic_Per_Broker 度量
度量名 | 何时可见 | 描述 |
FetchMessageConversionsPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of fetched messages converted per second. |
MessagesInPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of messages received per second. |
ProduceMessageConversionsPerSec | After you create a topic. | The number of conversions per second for produced messages. |
Per_Topic_Per_Partition 度量
度量名 | 何时可见 | 描述 |
EstimatedTimeLag | After consumer group consumes from a topic. | Time estimate (in seconds) to drain the partition offset lag. |
OffsetLag | After consumer group consumes from a topic. | Partition-level consumer lag in number of offsets. |